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  • Seventeenth-Century Parisian Soundscapes

Seventeenth-Century Parisian Soundscapes

Studying at Cambridge

  • Home
  • News
  • Chansonnier Maurepas
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    • Keywords
    • Song-Tune Recordings
    • Performances
    • Manuscript
  • Songs and their Stories
  • Profiles
    • Profiles Overview
    • Nicholas Hammond
    • Emilia Wilton-Godberfforde
    • Jonathan Rees
    • 老王v2.2.8
      • Additional Contributors Overview
      • Chausson's Song
        • Chausson's Song Overview
        • Louis XIV's Death
          • Louis XIV's Death Overview
          • Lully
            • Lully Overview
            • Authors of Songs
              • Authors of Songs Overview
              • 老王v2.2.8
              • Court Gossip
  • Video
  • Pictures
    • Pictures Overview
    • singers
    • musicians
    • recording
    • Louis
    • Festival of Ideas
    • 老王2.2.7
    • Badinage on Bridge in Durham
    • Views of the bridge
    • Views of the bridge 2
    • Views of the bridge 3
    • Views of the bridge 4
  • Arrangements
    • Arrangements Overview
    • chantons tous en ce jour
    • Dans cet etat si périlleux
    • Depuis+Beau
    • Grands Dieux
    • Je porte au doigt
    • L'Autheur de ce vaudeville
    • La Gallante occupation
    • 老王2.2.0
    • 老王vp2021
    • Monsieur Lully
    • Noel
    • 老王2.2.8
    • Qu'on ne parle plus
    • Scavez-vous bien/Si vous voulez
    • Si par hazard
    • Voulez-vous harmonised.pdf
  • Link to Cambridge Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages webpage






To read the texts of the songs, and to listen to the songs themselves, click on "Chansonnier Maurepas" above. To find translations, musical scores, and to discover performances and the story behind some songs, click on "Songs and their Stories" at the top of this page (just under "Seventeenth-Century Parisian Soundscapes").



"The Pont-Neuf wrote this couplet"

"Le Pont-Neuf a fait ce couplet"



The establishment of this site has been enabled by the generosity of the Cambridge Humanities Research Grants and the British Academy Small Grants.

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